Today - January 22nd - is my birthday! I'm one year old!
All people - including four-footed people - should get presents for their birthdays! I asked for a whole jar of peanut butter. I didn't get it.
But I got some tasty little treats (good-tasting but low-calorie, because I'm getting a bit, er, tubby)...
...and a toy my PR mom and I both like - I can make it squeak, and she doesn't have to pick up stuffing...
...and one of those YUMMY filled-up bones I love, love, love!
This is Uncle Richard petting me and taking a picture at the same time. Talent runs in my family.
I got to play with my friend Harry this morning, too. He lives across the street. It's so nice to have friends! (No, it only looks as if we were playing in the street. Actually, our dads were supervising us closely. I just didn't want them in the picture. I look cooler that way.)
Whew! I'm pretty tired from such a busy day. When is your birthday? Invite me over. I LOVE celebrating birthdays!
What a season I've had. Do humans enjoy Christmas as much as dogs do? Because I had a fine time!
My people gave me good presents. (They gave one another presents, too - I'm not quite the center of the universe.) I have a beautiful new collar and leash.
I have a new piggy (Olivia and I demolished the last one).
I have a bear with FOUR squeakers in him!
And I have - er, had - a brand new filled bone that made my heart go thumpity-thump and my taste buds go all happy. I can't show you a picture because I've already, um, taken care of that present.
We spent Christmas Day with my PRs' children and grandchildren. My mom couldn't take pictures of me racing around the house with excitement, grabbing what I could in my mouth along the way. She was too busy giving her grandchildren their presents back after I ran around with them. Oops.
Actually, it was my job to love all of them.
Of course, I wanted to play Wii with everybody else. That gizmo is small enough to fit in my mouth.
But also I needed to help entertain my kind of company - my cousins, Loki and Odin. They're Norwegian Elkhounds from Texas. Odin's on your right; Loki's on your left. Odin likes to play with me. Loki likes to be boss. I'm saying, "Won't you come in, please?" like a polite service dog.
Can you believe - they wanted to say hello to our other cousin Fiona! Fiona doesn't like to say hello to any visitors.
(Sometimes she says words a cat shouldn't say.)
Loki and Odin brought their people along. This is Kimmy.
I also played with Katie outside. You'll see Jenna and Megan in future blogs.
At last, at the end of the day, Loki, Odin, Kimmy, and Kimmy's parents came to stay at our house.
Kimmy was learning how to scratch tummies properly. She's not very good at it yet, but it's best to start training humans early.
Kimmy did silly things, too. She was using spoons to pretend to be a drummer with. Everyone knows that spoons are for putting peanut butter on to give to the puppy!
Sometimes Kimmy got simply too much attention. Then I had to employ drastic measures. It gave my PR mom a chance to practice saying, "Don't! Drop!"
She's not tall enough to let the dog in, but I like the fact that she's interested.
The day after Kimmy and her family left to go home, something wonderful happened...
It snowed!
My kitties didn't like it. Cetty looked annoyed (she doesn't like the cold)...
... and Mr. Grey camped out in MY crate!
But I had a great time! Happy New Year, everybody! If things like this keep happening, 2011 is going to be fun!