It's not my fault. My PR Mom LOST a whole folder of photographs from her computer. Maybe I should "Don't" her!
Actually, life is a little better around here. I don't know whether my PRs and other people have shaped up, or if I have.
I don't get "don't"-ed quite so much. Maybe it's because I sometimes listen to my PRs before I grab something out of the trash basket. It's still fun to take things out... but it's also fun to give them back to my people, instead of chewing them up or playing keep-away.
I still don't like my Gentle Leader and my cape, but you know what? When I have them on, I get to go to interesting places and, um, I even forget I have them on sometimes!
AND I spent a whole week out in the country because my PRs had to go out of town suddenly. I lived with nice people and there were a dog and a cat and horses and cows and chickens. It was so much fun! Maybe I'll enjoy growing up if I can do things like that.
But... no pictures. So my Mom took the camera to puppy class.
In class we practice a little of the things we work on at home all the time. First thing is always "cradle." We lie on our backs in our people's laps. Sometimes we go to sleep that way! You're looking at Nara, who is just about to go to puppy college in California!

My friend Susan practiced walking with me by her side - well, that is, I practiced walking properly by her side.

... and this is Gary. We've all grown bigger!
Here is Oma doing a "down/stay." She has to stay right there, no matter what her PR Mom does or where she goes. I don't like doing it much, but my mom practices with me at home, and I know that if I really do stay I'll get a little treat.
You need to be impressed with this group "stay." Every one of us really wanted to be playing with one another instead!
Here I am practicing my "under." I did this at a restaurant a few nights ago - working myself in around a table pedestal and four pairs of human feet. I was pretty proud of myself.
This is the new kid, Tilly.
She wanted to play with me. I wanted to play with her, too. But we didn't have a play time that night. Maybe next time.
Oh, another thing I can show you is when I took my people to the county fair.
My PR Dad has a thing about sitting dogs on tractors. He says it's a tradition. I don't know what "tradition" is, but I hope it comes with carrots on the side.
There are a lot of strange things at a county fair.
I got a lot of attention. That was the best part.
It was so HOT! When you take your dog anywhere, make sure you bring water.
I met some funny-looking dogs. These dogs are called goats.
This guy (who is a sheep) didn't like me. He stamped his foot and, if looks could talk, he would have said words he ought not to use.
...we found some dogs doing their bit of service by performing for the crowds.

It wasn't my fault if he stopped the show to come over and say hello to me!
That's all for now. I've got to go keep an eye on my mom, her camera, and her computer. A service-puppy-in-training's work is never done.
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