Here I sit in my little cave (my PR mom is careful not to put her feet on me when she sits at her desk)...
...thinking about what will happen soon!
The summer has been very busy so far, and it doesn't look as if it will slow down. I like being busy, but not when the temperature is 92 degrees. Oh well.
I went on an airplane with my PR dad to spend a week in Madison, Indiana. I made an amazing discovery. When I took my people to Missouri in December, the Missouri grass didn't smell like Colorado grass. Well, Indiana grass doesn't smell like either one of the others!
We drove around - well, I didn't drive - to see friends and relatives. We walked down by the river. It's BIG! Later there were boat races, with thousands of people to watch the boats. It was noisy and crowded, and I liked it. Lots of people petted me and said wonderful (and true) things.
Unhappily, there are no pictures, so please imagine the Glorious Harriet also going to the Senior Center, playing with Dad's aunt's doggies, visiting his cousins, going to a band concert, and watching some fireworks. I can't say that I recommend the fireworks. Fireworks can scare dogs big time, because of the big lights and the big noises! But my dad is smarter than to take me that close. He cares about me! We sat in a yard far away. The people thought they were great. I thought they were ho-hum.
Not only have I been entertaining her...
...but I've helped entertain Ian, who's just a pup- er, baby...

They went with me to puppy class one night. They were great helpers.

I didn't really want to do a cradle.

And I'd never had any manicurist but my mom! Weird! But Mom says I need to get used to other people doing things for me. That's Mr. Calvano working on my toes.
I've been a great help to my dad. He's been working in the back yard with paving stones...
...and I help. He just can't do it without me.

Then I took everybody to Olivia's birthday party.

She's my cousin, the sixth CCI puppy my people raised (I'm number nine).
The doggy cake is always wonderful!
And then I spent another few days in the country! This is Auntie Carol and Gianna. The picture looks as if I'm getting a massage. Maybe I am.
She knows a lot of rabbits. She wanted me to get tired of them and not want to play with them. I can't say I got tired of them, but it was fun trying.
My family picked me up from Auntie Carol's house, and we went...
...straight to the El Paso County Fair.

That's a great place to learn new things! (I even went to a Bingo game! It's good for practicing downs and unders. I didn't win anything.)

In a week I'll take my PRs on a plane to California. We'll visit Legoland and the beach and some other good places. And then I'll begin my training with the professionals - puppy college! Will I make the grade? I'd like to. Will I like living with forty other dogs? Hope so! I hear there's a rabbit who lives there. Can I ignore him? Hmmm.
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